Your toddler should be eating all table foods by now. Place a spoon and fork on his high chair tray and allow him to experiment with using them. (Actually, a fork is easier to use than a spoon.) Continue using a cup with a lid — the bottle has disappeared! Continue to serve whole milk. Please note that children often become finicky eaters at this stage and may only eat one good meal each day. This is normal. Offer nutritious meals and you can be assured that in the course of one week, your child will get the right kinds of nutrients.
Your toddler now sleeps all night without awakening. Most kids also take one nap each day. Some children might begin to experience night terrors.
Kids who play on riding toys and tricycles need to wear helmets and be able to touch their feet on the ground while sitting on the toy. In addition, Each home
needs a home first aid kit. See 20 Things Your Home Shouldn't Be Without for some specific recommendations. If your child swallows a poison, call the Poison Control Information Center immediately at (419) 381-3897 for instructions on what to do! Be prepared to give them as much information as possible about the substance swallowed. Do not call your physician or 911 since neither has complete poison information. Beware: a substance that burns going down (like bleach or other cleaning agents) will burn coming up. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so.
Continue to assist your child with tooth brushing until age 3.
Your child is eager to imitate your actions from dressing to housework. Encourage his natural curiosity by allowing him to "help" with simple tasks. He is also able to consistently use about five recognizable words and follow simple commands.